You are about to enter the international Swagelok online store!
On this page, you will find instructions for using our Swagelok® online store.
Full functionality of the online store requires registration and login
Updated 17.10.2024
The full functionalities of our online store, including prices and delivery times, require a customer account with Swagelok Helsinki and user login with a work email to our online store. You are welcome to browse technical product information in default mode without logging in.
Functions requiring login:
- Price information
- Delivery times
- Request for quotations
- Online store orders
Online Store Billing
The Swagelok online store is an international platform for all Swagelok distributors, but we operate locally for orders from our own region, Finland and the Baltic countries. Billing and delivery are carried out according to our standard process using your account's billing information.
You will receive a separate order confirmation via email once the order has been confirmed.

Attention new users and customers!
Please note that after your initial registration, we will link your registration to your customer account. This is a manual process that we typically complete within 24 hours on business days.
You will receive a separate email notification once your online store customer account is ready.
If you do not have a customer account with Swagelok Helsinki, our sales team will contact you after your registration to discuss opening a customer account. You can also request expedited account setup by contacting our customer service.